Grass Valley Police Department
9:33 a.m. – A 911 caller from West McKnight Way reported two trucks doing doughnuts throughout the parking lot and almost hitting other parked vehicles.
10:00 a.m. – A 911 caller from a Sutton Way fast food restaurant reported that employees wouldn’t let her speak with the manager. The caller was advised of proper 911 usage.
3:10 p.m. – A reporting party from Freeman Lane requested information on obtaining an application and permit for exotic animals within the city limits.
5:13 p.m. – A reporting party from a West McKnight Way business requested an officer for a subject concealing items.
Nevada City Police Department
9:16 a.m. – A real estate agent from East Broad Street reported a subject contacted him claiming to be a property owner and wanted the reporting party to sell the property. The agent reached out to the actual property owner, who advised that the property is not for sale.
Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
12:13 a.m. – A 911 caller from Lodgepole Drive reported his drunk girlfriend was hitting and scratching him. The caller advised that she had throw up all over herself and was refusing to go to sleep. The caller reported approximately a half an hour later that she had gone to bed.
8:12 a.m. – A reporting party from Spenceville Road reported an angry male slamming his car door into her car. The reporting party advised that there was no damage to her vehicle that she could see and was advised to contact CHP regarding a possible road rage incident.
8:16 a.m. – A reporting party from John Born Road reported a loose black shepherd/husky mix running at a donkey.
4:32 p.m. – A reporting party from Kozy Nest requested pickup of a dog. The reporting party tried calling numbers on the collar and was unable to reach anyone. The reporting party called back and stated that the owner was located and the dog was reunited with a house sitter.
Grass Valley Police Department
1:01 a.m. – A 911 caller from a Plaza Drive business reported a drunk female inside the store refusing to leave.
9:50 a.m. – A reporting party from East Berryhill Road reported finding two firearms while cleaning out his deceased uncle’s home and requested they be picked up. Law enforcement retrieved two BB guns from the reporting party.
11:42 a.m. – A reporting party from Second Street reported ongoing issues with dogs killing and attacking animals in the area. The reporting party advised that the dogs were also chasing children on bikes.
1:02 p.m. – A 911 caller from Highway 49 and West McKnight Way reported a black flatbed truck with a dog in the back. The caller advised that the dog had a chain and did not look happy.
1:25 p.m. – A 911 caller from East Main Street reported a neighbor causing issues, yelling at the caller, and stating the caller was not allowed to do permitted construction. The caller stated the subject kept telling them, “This area is a crime scene, the city is corrupt.” A male subject was arrested on suspicion of trespassing and failure to provide identification.
Nevada City Police Department
3:11 p.m. – A reporting party from Railroad Avenue reported that a dog arrived at her home around 11:30 p.m. the previous night. The reporting party advised that she was unable to locate the owner and requested the animal be picked up.
Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
1:55 a.m. – A 911 caller from Pleasant Valley Road reported a subject walking behind his house with a flashlight, shining it into houses.
8:37 a.m. – A reporting party from Salmon Mine Road reported his previous landlord was upset that law enforcement responded to the property to check on the reporting party. The reporting party further advised that he is allergic to 5G internet and may not be able to answer.
11:20 a.m. – A reporting party from Lorie Drive reported having a chicken die overnight and requested it be picked up for testing.
2:05 p.m. – A 911 caller from Rough and Ready Highway reported hearing gunshots. The caller stated that there was a lot of noise with motorcycles in the area prior to the gunshots.
4:13 p.m. – A 911 caller from Commercial Avenue reported a black truck doing doughnuts in the parking lot and middle of the street.
5:29 p.m. – CHP from Dog Bar Road reported a bucket of oil spilled on the roadway.
Grass Valley Police Department
1:41 a.m. – A 911 caller from Walsh Street reported she could hear people in the street yelling “go” and that there was possibly a vehicle accident. The caller further advised that several males were running in the street. An additional 911 caller reported the same.
5:40 a.m. – A 911 caller from Highway 49 and Brunswick Road reported multiple deer on the freeway.
9:07 a.m. – A reporting party from Jan Road reported overnight theft of a swing.
1:00 p.m. – A 911 caller from Brighton Street reported two loose dogs in the park. The caller was advised of proper 911 usage.
Nevada City Police Department
12:40 a.m. – A 911 caller from Zion Street reported a black dog running in and out of traffic.
5:18 p.m. – A reporting party from High Street reported water coming out of a manhole.
6:08 p.m. – A 911 caller from Highway 49 and Broad Street reported a dog running in traffic.
Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
8:42 a.m. – A reporting party from Big Springs Drive requested personal contact regarding a neighbor’s cows always coming onto his property. The reporting party advised that the neighbor was drunk and didn’t seem to care when the reporting party called him. Law enforcement contacted the owner of the wayward cows who advised he would be retrieving the cattle.
12:02 p.m. – A reporting party from Rollins Park Drive requested pickup of two brown and white puppies. The dogs were booked into Sammie’s Friends.
8:36 p.m. – CHP from You Bet Road reported a large tree blocking the roadway.
—Nathan Levinson